Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Little Lovelies

There are many things in the autumn garden that are easy to overlook. This tiny trout lily is one; it's growing almost underfoot, next to the walk by the kitchen door.

When I first looked at these white flowers, I missed seeing the insects; from a distance, they are well hidden.

The marvelous, chartreuse sweet potato vine we love in our patio pots has a lovely little magenta border.

During the spring and summer, I pinch the coleus regularly to encourage it to become thick and full. But when fall arrives, I stop pinching and allow the flowers to emerge.

Now and then a picture is somewhat ho-hum; that's what I felt about these large green and white caladiums. So I played with it on Picasa and... voila! Just a bit of fun.

A lone moonbeam coreopsis blossom, nearly hidden behind a stone wall.

With the first frost, this bank of bright impatiens will sink to the earth in a slimy heap of green; the resilient rosemary in front, an evergreen, isn't really showy, but will provide my kitchen with flavor and fragrance all winter long.

These bright, cooler days are perfect for a leisurely stroll around the yard; take your camera...you may be surprised!


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